StarKick – AFL for special needs children

If you haven’t heard of this new program, have a look at the YouTube video.  If you attended one of the parent information sessions, here’s a follow-up from the Club:


Hi Parents, Carers and supporters,

Firstly what a great night Wednesday. To see so many of you come out was very humbling for me and our club. I think we had 40 to 45 people there which exceeded my wildest dreams.  It’s so obvious you care and want the best for your children and will go to enormous lengths to make that happen. So I tip my hat to you all.

We now have children signed up for Starkick from Mt Hawthorn ESC, South Ballajura ESC, Carson St School, Sir David Brand School and another 6 or so schools  dotted around the metro area.

For those who couldn’t make the parent night we have recorded the event and it’s now available on YouTube.  Thanks to Shawn Pearson who is a parent at the club and also sits on the board of the parent support group Kalparrin (which many of you will be aware of if not members) for taking that task on.

Shawn hopes to help us record the season so we can put a bit of a “Looking back” montage together at the end of the year with all the great moments, so something else to look forward to.

The video is in 3 parts and be warned it’s a good 45 minutes all up, so settle in with some free time before you start watching. Hopefully it covers everything you may want to know about Starkick

Cheers and thanks for all of your support as we make this happen.

PS: Don’t forget to like our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter @bombersjfc to keep up to date on all club news.

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