Chaplain/Community Support Officer

Linking Student Learning and Wellbeing

Our Community Support Officer (CSO) is employed 4 days per week and is funded by the Federal Government National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program. The role predominantly covers the following areas.

Whole-school Support

  • Primary Prevention:  co-ordinated school approach to supporting all students
  • Early Intervention: targeted individual and group support
  • Intervention:  case-managed support with specialised services
  • Restoring Well-being:  getting students and families back on track

Working with Teachers and Students:

  • Organise and promote wellbeing focused professional development for teachers
  • Plan and implement school-wide values and social competency programs
  • Provide individual support for at-risk children
  • Provide group support for at-risk children
  • Co-ordinate student support network
  • Memorial Garden - April 2014Manage student referrals

Working with Parents:

  • Communication
  • Family support
  • Parenting programs
  • Parent meetings – case management
  • Newsletter articles
  • Referrals

Working with the Community:  Liaise with external welfare providers such as Student Support Services Officers (DCP); Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services; Disability Services Commission (DSC) / Local Area Co-ordinators; Respite Providers; Princess Margaret Hospital; The Centre for Cerebral Palsy and Centre Against Sexual Assault.

What Does a Community Support Officer Do?  A CSO is a safe person for young people to connect with at school and provides a listening ear, caring presence and a message of hope. CSOs assist in fostering supportive, caring school communities and the service is available to everyone in the school community.

The Nature of the Service:  Involvement with the CSO is entirely voluntary and students, staff and families choose whether or not they want to be a part of the activities that are offered. Parents have the right to refuse permission for their child to be involved in any CSO activity or event.

Access to Services:  The CSO has an “open door” policy for students, staff and parents wishing to discuss any concerns or seeking access to counselling or other pastoral care services. Appointments can also be made through the school office.

Complaints:  The school is committed to ensuring all complaints are dealt with fairly, reasonably, impartially and confidentially. Effective complaint management and resolution allows us to evaluate the quality of the Program, improve our services and assist in the prevention of similar issues recurring.

All attempts should be made to resolve complaints at the local school level initially. If unsatisfied with directly addressing the issue with the CSO, a Complaint Record Form may be obtained from the school office. All complaints will be attended to according to CarsonStreetSchool’s Complaints Procedure flowchart.

Community Consultation:  In 2012, the Carson Street School Parents & Citizens Committee and the School Board formally expressed their support for CSO services at CarsonStreetSchool.

How to Contact the CSO:  The CSO is at the school Monday to Thursday through school hours, and can be contacted by phoning the school number, or by email to


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