School Board

As an Independent Public School, Carson Street School is required to have an effective School Board that includes community and business / industry representation.

The Principal is responsible for the educational leadership, operation and management of the school. To maximise the input of the School Board in developing school policies, the Principal will seek advice and receive recommendations from the School Board. To enable the School Board to function effectively, the Principal will report regularly to the School Board on progress against the Carson Street School Business Plan

The school participated in the latest review in April 2021. The report of the review panel and its recommendations is now publicly available. Click here to download the report.



Whilst our Principal has responsibility for the day-to-day running of the school, the main function of the School Board is, drawing on its members’ knowledge and experience,  to act as a ‘critical friend’ in order to secure a good education for our students in a safe and positive environment. The Board reviews, supports and encourages the school in its strategic direction and we are most grateful to all those who have accepted this challenge for their ongoing commitment.

The Board meets at least once each term

At each meeting the Principal presents a report to the Board on the performance of the school.

The report focuses on the following areas:

  1. Student Learning – Engagement, Progress and Achievement
  2. Effective Teaching
  3. Leading and Managing the School
  4. Safe and Inclusive Environment
  5. Governance and Accountability
  6. Engaging Families and Communities
  7. Extra Curricular – New Programs



  • Chair  John Exeter (former Principal)
  • Community members  Kate Doust (MLC), Les Ozsdolay (former Chair), Marian Tetlow (P&C representative)
  • Parent members Trudy James, Melissa Evans
  • Staff members  Ros Hamling (Principal), Peter Salleo (Deputy Principal),  Corina Botica (Manager Corporate Services)  Shona Ballantyne (Co-ordinator CE), Lisa Anderson (Education Assistant) and Dallas Bird (CE Admin)
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