Red Gum

Class Teacher: T Jugg

Education Assistants: Kat, Naomi, Eliza, TK, Esme

Red Gum is a Conductive Education class where students learn skills to be more independent in all aspects of their lives. Our conductors, Shona and Tyran, lead the task series, which involves working on physical targets such as lying, sitting and standing.

Our key focus continues to be communication and literacy, with each student’s voice valued and listened to. In the classroom, we use a wide range of Augmented and Alternative Communication (AAC) to support each student’s voice, which everyone hears using personal eye gaze devices.

We enjoy various subjects, including STEM, Art and Swimming. Red Gum has fun exploring the curriculum in a hands-on way.

We are all excited for 2025 and all the progress it will bring.

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