June 2015 newsletter

July 1st, 2015

June 2015

Families Supporting Families workshop

June 5th, 2015

To register click here – Families

Workshop Program 25 & 26 June:


Family leadership, working together and changing the system  Taryn Harvey

Taryn will talk about the different kinds of family leadership and the ways they are all important and can effect change.  Change starts when parents feel confident, empowered and hopeful.  Families can draw great benefit from sharing their knowledge and experience with others, and can change the system by coming together as a collective voice.

Getting on with it (when that’s the last thing you feel like doing)  Beth Marchbank

Beth will talk about her experiences in coping with the sadness that her daughter doesn’t have the same opportunities in life that most non-disabled people do; and about how she coped with those feelings we all have; – grief, guilt, rejection, and love. Often we never seem to find a time or place where it’s okay to talk about these things and work them through with all the other bits of life going on. She’ll then tell about some strategies she’s used or learned from others to deal with feelings in everyday life; when there seem to be so many external messages telling us we should just get on with it.

Establishing healthy supportive relationships & boundaries  Kate Ollier

This workshop will explore boundaries. There are lots of potential hiccups when families are working to support or be supported: Expectations, capacity and desire, and differences in values can all play a part. This workshop will be interactive with you drawing on your own creativity, positivity and practical side!

A business coaching approach to above & below the line thinking  Tim Smith

In this session Tim will share the ways of thinking which have resulted in best practice and better service from “above and below the line” thinking, behaviour and outcomes is the most common factor that determines success in business owners in his coaching practice in Western Australia and nationally for nearly 25 years. The principle of any venture, including families achieving their goals.  Tim will share this principle in a lively, interactive and fun session.

Family Leadership; Just two words, but SO many meanings  Leticia Grant

Leadership is perceived as different things by different people. Whether you are leading and advocating for your own small family, mentoring and supporting other families or joining many families together to go ahead united, good leaders can be inclusive and have the insight to utilise the diverse talents, skills, capacities, differences and experience of many people in a team. Hear about a group where this has worked successfully.



Leading my family through the Stages of change  Dolly Bhargava

The family is a system composed of members in constant and dynamic interaction with each other. Patterns of interaction get established: who interacts with whom, who talks and who listens, who has the authority and who is the controlling force behind the scenes. The family has a pattern, a rhythm that is more than the sum of its parts.  This workshop will discuss the stages of change model to outline how families change their habits and behaviours and integrate changes into their lives.

Hope—the vision of a better life from our support for each other  Jaquie Mills

Research shows that hope and optimism are important for families to be strong and resilient, and to enjoy the experience of raising a child with disability. This session explores some of the reasons why families lose hope, and suggests strategies for helping families to get it back.

 Strength based approaches to family support  Susan Stanford

As families who engage others to support our loved ones, whether we want to or not, WE LEAD.  We can choose to lead from a clear set of beliefs about people and their strengths, which will create a culture for ourselves, our loved one and those who support to thrive in.  Susan Stanford has been assisting families to apply a strengths based approach to growing both the ‘formal and friends’ supporter base around their family member.

Non –stop Negotiating  Maxine Drake

Standing up for your family by negotiating, not pleading. Human services are an entitlement but many families can feel like they are going to battle or begging to be heard.  This session will be a discussion about strategies that can tip the power in your favour or at least have you leaving a negotiation less bruised.

Setting goals and conversations  Jaquie Mills & Joanne Nunn

Having a vision for the future is the starting point for families to make the changes which will lead to a better life. Jaquie and Jo will share her story about how writing her vision down helped Jo and her son move from a hopeless situation to flourishing. They will also suggest practical strategies for helping families to identify and share their vision.

To register click here – Families


May 2015 newsletter

May 28th, 2015

May 2015 – pages 1-5

May 2015 – pages 6-11

P&C Meeting – change of date

April 30th, 2015

Please be advised that the next P&C meeting has been changed from Wednesday 6th May to Wednesday 13th May commencing at 9:30am.

March 2015 newsletter

April 1st, 2015

March 2015 newsletter

FREE parent workshop – Setting Boundaries

March 20th, 2015

Monday, 23rd March 2015

Brookman House
25 Brookman Ave


Setting Boundaries
Free workshop for community members
Setting limits whilst still being a loving parent is an important part of raising responsible children.

This introductory workshop addresses what boundaries are, why they are important and how parents can help children perceive boundaries for themselves.

Refreshments & handouts provided

For bookings please email workshops@clanwa.com.au
At CLAN WA, we understand that every family is unique. We all have different circumstances, experiences, hopes and strengths. We all need a helping hand at times.

Our Parenting Workshops cover topics such as building resilience, growth & development from toddlerhood to adolescence, communicating more effectively with children, & dealing with challenging behaviours.

Our Mental Health & Wellbeing Workshops are designed to equip you with useful information & practical skills for dealing with mental health issues.

If you are looking for opportunities for Professional Development, please refer to our website for further information.

New workshops for families and professionals

March 20th, 2015

Quality Communications is running two workshops in April for families and professionals.

Workshop 1 – Dolly Supporting Ind. with ASD Tuesday 14 April 2015

Workshop 2 – Dolly Buliding Self Esteem 15 April 2015

For more information or to register please contact Dolly on 0423 293 254 or email quailtycommunication1@gmail.com

Registration Form (1)

StarKick – AFL for special needs children

March 13th, 2015

If you haven’t heard of this new program, have a look at the YouTube video.  If you attended one of the parent information sessions, here’s a follow-up from the Club:


Hi Parents, Carers and supporters,

Firstly what a great night Wednesday. To see so many of you come out was very humbling for me and our club. I think we had 40 to 45 people there which exceeded my wildest dreams.  It’s so obvious you care and want the best for your children and will go to enormous lengths to make that happen. So I tip my hat to you all.

We now have children signed up for Starkick from Mt Hawthorn ESC, South Ballajura ESC, Carson St School, Sir David Brand School and another 6 or so schools  dotted around the metro area.

For those who couldn’t make the parent night we have recorded the event and it’s now available on YouTube.  Thanks to Shawn Pearson who is a parent at the club and also sits on the board of the parent support group Kalparrin (which many of you will be aware of if not members) for taking that task on.

Shawn hopes to help us record the season so we can put a bit of a “Looking back” montage together at the end of the year with all the great moments, so something else to look forward to.

The video is in 3 parts and be warned it’s a good 45 minutes all up, so settle in with some free time before you start watching. Hopefully it covers everything you may want to know about Starkick

Cheers and thanks for all of your support as we make this happen.

PS: Don’t forget to like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/bombersjfc or follow us on Twitter @bombersjfc to keep up to date on all club news.

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