Just a reminder that it’s Conductive Education Awareness Week and we are celebrating and promoting Conductive Education in a variety of ways at school from 11th-15th March 2019.
Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th – At school the children are creating ‘I Can…’ posters in celebration of all the wonderful things they have learnt to do at school through the Conductive Education, THRIVE and REACH Programs.
Wednesday 13th -We will be holding ‘What is Conductive Education’ and ‘Conductive Education & Communication’ presentations from 9am to 11am at school. This will give an overview of our CE Program and the importance of communication. Morning tea will be provided. Please complete the attendance form you received and return to school ASAP. If you did not receive one, please contact the front office.
Thursday 14th – All Conductive Education classes including the Parent and Child 0-4 group will be attending Sculptures by the Sea in Cottesloe. We would like every student in school to wear blue for CE Awareness!
Friday 15th – The children on the school council have come up with a wonderful idea for all children to work together to create a piece of artwork based on the theme ‘Happy’.
It should be a great week! Please help to support us by dressing your child in something blue on Thursday and attending our presentation on Wednesday …even if you have attended before and maybe just want a refresher. Other adult family members and your therapists are welcome.