Early Intervention (0-4yrs)
Our Early Intervention Program provides a safe and secure group learning environment where parents can interact, play and grow with their child. Early years experts support parents to learn how to work with their newly diagnosed child using the principles and philosophy of Conductive Education (CE). We teach skills which children require and advise parents on how to carry these over into the home environment. Within Early Intervention we utilise the WA Kindergarten Guidelines, Early Years Learning Framework, the Australian Curriculum and Carson Street School Elaborated Curriculum and Associated Programs of Study to inform our planning and practice. Families can also be provided with information about therapy providers, grants, respite and other support organisations which can help them. Through organised morning teas, parents have opportunities to mix with others who are experiencing similar issues to themselves. Guest speakers may be invited along to these sessions to address common issues that families have or to provide them with updated information.
The Early Intervention Program is delivered through the Conductive Education (CE) First Steps and Stepping Stones Programs and through the Milestones Program, with the focus on meeting developmental milestones.
Early Intervention programs run for children under the age of 4. Conductive Education – Parent and Child Program.