Other Services


Therapists and specialist teachers who work in consultation with parents/caregivers and teachers provide a valuable service. Therapy services are provided by a range of specialised providers, including Therapy Focus who have staff on-site.



School Nurse: The nurses play an active role in community health, and maintaining optimum care for students with fragile health and providing increased physical comfort so that students can develop their greatest possible potential.

Dental Health: Dental services are provided by the School Dental Services based at Queens Park Primary School.  Parents are responsible for transporting their child to and from appointments.



Psychological services are available, upon referral, from the South Metropolitan Education Region Office and the Disability Service Commission. Psychologists can assess intellectual, personality and social functioning and provide advice on behavioural management and counselling.



For students who will be attending more integrated settings at some stage in their education, programs are also designed to teach “classroom survival skills” to assist with the integration.

  • Asking for help
  • Taking turns
  • Following simple directions
  • Attending to task



Students travel to and from school on specially equipped buses which are under contract to the WA Public Transport Authority. During the day the school is able to use the school’s Snoopy or Heidi buses to transport students for school outings, and to recreational and community skills programme settings.



The Snoezelen consists of pleasurable sensory experiences generated in an atmosphere of trust and relaxation. The sensory experiences are arranged to stimulate the primary sense without the need for intellectual activity. Trust and relaxation are encouraged by a non-directive or enabling approach being adopted by the helper or carer.

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