(Teaching How to Reach Independence Via Education)

The Thrive Program meets the needs of students who have an identified learning disability (ASD, I.D.) and/or associated delay/s (G.D.D., physical, sensory) that require explicit teaching, structured learning programs and behaviour supports on a daily basis. There is a possibility for all students to be identified (through collaboration with school, home and associated stakeholders e.g. therapy services) to transition to our off-site satellite class which offers supported opportunities for integration in a mainstream environment. (See REACH Program)

The Thrive Program incorporates the principles and philosophies of evidenced based practices such as Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) – an approach that offers a variety of strategies and techniques to teach new skills and reduce challenging behaviour, Direct Instruction (DI) – the use of direct, structured instructions with modelling to show students how to start, carry out and complete a task with ample time to practice, and Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH method) which promotes a structured learning environment with a focus on visual learning e.g. visual timetable using symbols.

Teachers and education assistants who have experience in, and an understanding of, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Intellectual Disabilities and sensory needs, have regular opportunities to up-skill in relevant areas, including Positive Behaviour Support (PBS). They identify specific skills in which each student can potentially achieve independence, and develop those skills in small class groups, to offer more focused individual learning opportunities. The daily routine is also planned to address developmental areas including social skills, self-regulation, self-care, communication and play skills. Students use the ‘Regulation Station’ room, Sensory Room and equipment to support self-regulation, as well as the use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) to support language acquisition (e.g. devices, PODD, ALS, visuals). Staff listen to the students, acknowledging and enabling their choices.

Community connections are fostered through programs such as Flexibility, the Waminda Aged Care Facility, Hobby Clubs, incursions, excursions, Fun days, Sports Days and general community access (e.g. shopping for cooking items).

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